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Mister Model International Pageant is a platform for young guys from all over the world looking to pursue a career as professional models.

Each representative is chosen in their country by winning their local finale.

The winner will receive a special representation contract by Tim Group and will become the official spokeperson for some brands like OP Make Up dtudio and charlie lapson jewelry

Countries represented in 2018 are:  Canada, USA, Mexico, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Honduras, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, Fernando de Noronha, Dominican Republic, Guadaloupe, Curacao, puerto Rico, Italy, Netherlands,India, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Algeria, Pakystan, Gambia, Australia, Senegal, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Indonesia. 

Event Details


March 10, 2018


8:00 pm

Event Categories:

Events, Pageant